Before i start, please be aware that downloading .CDI files of games you do not own breaks copyright law and is very very bad, you'll go to hell, and you'll go hang on...thats for somthing else.....
Anyhow, having got a new dreamcast last weekend i wanted to relive 2000ad and play some great games.
Off i went on a little shopping trip (see my last post) only to find the huge number of D/C disks i saw only a few months earlier in every second hand store i went into have suddenly vanished into thin air!
Now not being one to give up i called round my friends and managed to get trick style, sonic adventure and unfortunately, who whants to be a millionaire.
Not i think you will agree, the best selection of tiles (why o why does sonic sound like an American teenage dick!?!), so i had to take some slightly desperate measures to let me enjoy the D/C till the games i bought online last night turn up in the post.
Flaging down a local interweb i was able to find out several useful ways to allow me to play some classics that i had owned in the past.
I turns out that it is not the same as downloading an ISO file, fixing the image and burning to a disk, no, what you need to do is to down load a serise of RAR files, unpack then, use a sopftware app to attach the 7 or 8 uncompressed files into one zip file, unzip it and then use another app to burn it useing 2 sessions onto a CDR disk.
Now all this sounds like hard work, why not use ISOs??? but after 8 corupted disks and allott of southpark level swearing i finally got it to work.
Having done this i was able to run many titles on my D/C with no need for a boot disk or any kind of disk swapping.
My new games should arrive any day now and i plan to dispose of the copies when they do (although i own the tiles so not sure if i actualy did anything wrong) .
The games may play but lets face it, withouth the cases, box art and manuels its missing half the joy of owning the actual games, so by them for real online or from charity shops, its a whole lot better than playing them off tatty cheap CDR copies